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Problem Updating to FireShot v.0.98.87

Pages: 1
Posted:  23 May 2016 22:00
Today I was running Firefox 46.0.1 (32-bit) on my Win7 SP1 Pro 64-bit. The Fireshot pulldown icon showed a new Fireshot was installed. Since I use multiple browsers, I went to this link and downloaded the latest install.exe:
I checked IE - Firefox - Chrome - Thunderbird and Opera.
I went into Chrome, deleted the installed Fireshot and did the Integrate to Google Chrome.

When I finished doing all the steps, the only thing that shows v.0.98.87 now is Thunderbird. Most show v.0.98.86 except Chrome shows v.0.98.85.

I ran a SHA1 hash check on the downloaded fireshot-install.exe and it was the same as my prior downloaded file.

Is there a newer fireshot-install.exe file I should be downloading?
Pages: 1



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