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Trying to screenshot a full web page fails...

Pages: 1
Posted:  13 Jun 2022 19:24
Trying to grab the full page for this themeforest preview and it's not possible. It doesn't want to scroll down.

Plugin version: FireShot 1.10.05
OS type and version: Windows 10 - 10.0.19044 Build 19044
Version of browser: Brave V1.39.122
Steps to reproduce the bug: Go to the url and try to copy or save the full page.
Webpage URL:

Seems that as time moves forward this thing is less able to capture pages. I don't use it often but I will say the last several times I've tried to do full page grabs this thing hasn't worked due to an inability to handle scrolling on any page that isn't basic html. Is there not a way to enable the ability to manually scroll the page while trying to select stuff? If I could click and drag to select but use the mouse wheel or space bar shortcut to move the page at least that would be a work around. Maybe rather than trying to find and fix every individual page that it can't grab maybe more work can be done on ways to allow manually select regions when a pages structure can't be predicted?

Pages: 1



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