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Total Ignorance (adding keyboard shortcuts request)

Pages: 1
Posted:  05 Jun 2022 20:41   Last Edited By: Ravinder
i have requested for keyboard shortcuts over an email on June 2021. We are on June 2022 now and there isn't anything. Not even an email from Fireshot team that we are still working on it. What is the point of taking licence then if you don't want to revert.

My ask was simple: Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + 1 = Visible page SS
Ctrl + Shift + 2 = Select and Scroll SS
Ctrl + Shift + 3 = Entire page SS

i don't think it takes more than a week to develop this.. as its very useful for taking SS

Also now started getting error: "Unable to create image object: out of resources. Try reducing image extents or get more of free RAM. i don't understand this issue is there for a very long time as i have seen a lot of people complaining about the same issue... yet the issue is still there... this simply says that Fireshot team isn't working at all. They just want free money.

Here is the link i am trying to SS: https://www.currys.co.uk/appliances/small-kitchen-appliances/juicers-and-blenders/blenders

just need to change the number of items displayed from 20 to 50

also i have reduced the page size from 100% to 80%

Don't know why the application and Fireshot team aren't working properly
Posted:  07 Jun 2022 22:56

The main process for FireShot is still 32-bit, so it can address only 2GB of data, that leads to limited dimensions of the screenshots. We're in a slow process to porting it to 64-bit to solve this issue.
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Posted:  22 Nov 2022 06:14   Last Edited By: Ravinder
This is just the one part you have answered. What about adding Keyboard shortcuts?

Wasting a lot of time performing the task via mouse.

As of now the shortcut is via Google. Just need to add Keyboard shortcut within the application. Just like Nimbus Capture.

Ctrl + Shift + 1 = Visible page SS
Ctrl + Shift + 2 = Select and Scroll SS
Ctrl + Shift + 3 = Entire page SS

Please if this can be addressed.
Posted:  22 Nov 2022 10:16
Agreed. Thanks for bumping. Here's how it's gonna look in the next update:


P.S. Selecting ergonomic and available shortcuts is a big pain in the last versions of Windows: almost everything is already bind.
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Posted:  03 Jan 2023 08:32
There you go.. got the new Update and still no added keyboard shortcuts...

you guys even don't have an option to add images from local storage..
Posted:  11 Jan 2023 16:18
Update: the new 1.11.25 update includes this feature and is available for downloading.
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Posted:  11 Jan 2023 22:57
Would it make sense to add an option to select the save formatfor these shortcuts? PDF or JPG?
Posted:  12 Jan 2023 05:32
Would it make sense to add an option to select the save formatfor these shortcuts? PDF or JPG?

Ah, sorry, not at this moment. It's getting too complex unsure
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
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Posted:  23 Jan 2023 08:58
When you said that this is what it looks like in next update... since then i have seen almost 4 to 5 updates and yet i am waiting for the shortcut keys... Please be specific and don't solve it until its genuinely resolved

Also please when you will add the keyboard shortcuts. Don't make it Alt+Shift.. as it will be very difficult to press these 2 keys from same hand..

Best option will be:
Posted:  23 Jan 2023 10:56   Last Edited By: JK
These features have been delivered to v. 1.11.25.


Also please when you will add the keyboard shortcuts. Don't make it Alt+Shift.. as it will be very difficult to press these 2 keys from same hand..

Best option will be:

You can reassign the keys manually. The reason of choosing the Alt+Shift combination is because the Ctrl + Shift is usually not available on Windows because it's already being used, whereas Alt+Shift works everywhere.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
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