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Trouble Installing On IE

Pages: 1
Posted:  16 Jun 2011 15:33
I've tried to install Fireshot on Internet Explorer, but it gives me three Error boxes that say

"Error opening file for writing: C:\Program Files\FireShot for IE\SSS-0.85.dll"

and "Error opening file for writing: C:\Program Files\FireShot for IE\fireshot-register.exe"

I ignore them, it completes, but I can't find any indication that it was installed.  How do I know if it installed correctly?
Posted:  22 Jun 2011 17:08
I'm pretty sure this doesn't work in Internet Explorer.  It probably doesn't work in Chrome either.  Even though this asks if you want to install it on IE when you install it on Firefox, it doesn't even work with the same license.  You apparently have to purchase another license for it to work on IE.
Posted:  23 Nov 2013 21:27
By the way guys, just to let you know, this works well on IE9 already.
Pages: 1

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