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text in box disappears

Pages: 1
Posted:  18 Jan 2019 03:37
I insert text and when I click out of box text disappears and cant be read anymore?
Posted:  18 Jan 2019 03:41
using chrome
Posted:  18 Jan 2019 03:58
I can click back in box and text appears but again as soon as i click outside text vanishes
Posted:  19 Jan 2019 01:50
Hello. Can you tell me please, if you change the font, does this affect?
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Posted:  21 Jan 2019 02:33
tried 4 different fonts all did the same thing as previous being vanishing when clicking outside box
Posted:  25 Jan 2019 01:28   Last Edited By: JK
This is very weird and rare situation. Possibly we could get more information by having a short TeamViewer session. What do you think?
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  25 Jan 2019 02:20
Hi I've since used on another desktop and works fine. It must be something setting wise in my computer that's causing issue. Running windows 10 but the computer I tried which worked was also running 10? I'll have a bit more of a play around and see if I can reset etc thanks for your response
Pages: 1

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