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Social Network Sharing and Tagging System

Pages: 1
Posted:  20 Oct 2016 07:17
Hello all,

So, given my recent purchase, I hope that my suggestions could make more of an impact!

Suggestions 1 and 2. Are there any plans on developing a type of tagging based storage/organization/search functionality? Most other apps are integrating these functions given how useful they are for locating your media for continued use on present and future projects. It is a a very effective editing and capture tool, but when it comes to organizing, there are not options which bind saved screenshots together based on similar content.

For example, I am working on creating a personal website, so I am wanting to be able to tag marked up web page captures with things like #web design #logo #branding #infographics #storytelling #resume and things like this.

So, if there was a type of integrated storage functionality where you can visualize by the screenshot a...

"Save to" folder textbox dropdown that filters as you type...

For example: As I am typing the word personal into the text box, because I have already created two folders (one called "Personal Branding", and another called "Personal Logo"), these both appear in a drop down as my save to folder options. If I continue typing and the folder does not exist, it would give me the option to create the folder and it would either create it in the computers directory or if you had an online option, in a dashboard.

Below this, I would love to have the option to add tags ("+Tags"), where once again, it would either recognize the tags that already exist or have the option to create a new tag as I type them into the text box.

Alternatively, would be to have a send to Evernote - or whichever app works best - function or something of the sort where they would let you import it using their tagging system.

Having this option would be a wonderful step forward and really match more of the current app functionality offerings in the market today.

Suggestion 3: Other than that, I would also suggest a social sharing function or an option to send my file/image to an app that serves for social sharing like buffer, shareaholic and I am sure the list goes on forever.

I hope that this post is mutually beneficial as it is well-intended and not a complaint necessarily!

Thanks for the time, hope to hear back from you.

Pages: 1

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