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FireShot - Full webpage screenshot tool support forum / FireShot Browser Extension / Premium Support


Pages: 1
Posted:  07 Oct 2016 12:31
Plugin version: Pro (0.98.90)
OS type and version: Windows 10 Home (10.0.14393 Build 14393)
Version of browser: Firefox 47.0.1
Steps to reproduce the bug: Install fireshot-install.exe
Webpage URL causing this problem: ALL

After upgrading both Chrome and Firefox, Chrome had no problems and the menu looks like this:

and expands like this:

Meanwhile, the Firefox menu looks like this:

and expands like this:

As you can see, it seems like it's in some weird mode where there isn't even the opportunity to put in the registration key. I would appreciate some help on this, as I typically use it quite frequently and Firefox is my preferred browser.

Pages: 1



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