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Screenshot chrome extension: no Flash in screenshots

Pages: 1
Posted:  03 Jan 2011 13:02   Last Edited By: jooliaan
Fireshot 0.87
Windows 7 Ultimate (Italian)
Go on Youtube (or any other web page containing a flash movie), run the screenshot chrome extension and select "Capture visible area and...", select Save.
The saved file (both png or jpg) will not contain the image of flash movie.
This happens with all options (edit, save, print, upload) and all areas (visible, entire, browser and tabs).
Firefox 4.0b*pre - Thunderbird 3.1.* - Seamonkey 2.0.* - Lightning 1.0 b2
Mozilla Italia - eXtenZilla - BabelZilla - BlogZilla
Posted:  03 Jan 2011 15:29
Thanks for the info.

Looks like the guys from Mozilla changed the way of how Firefox renders content. FireShot is not working in 4b8 too, but version 4b6 works just fine. Let's see what's waiting us in the final version...
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  04 Jan 2011 10:52
Many thanks JK! biggrin
Firefox 4.0b*pre - Thunderbird 3.1.* - Seamonkey 2.0.* - Lightning 1.0 b2
Mozilla Italia - eXtenZilla - BabelZilla - BlogZilla
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