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Fireshot compatability with IE8

Pages: 1
Posted:  03 Jan 2011 11:45
I am using Windows Server 2003 and IE8
After installing Fireshot 0.86, i cant find the Fireshot option in IE.
I checked my Add-ons and it says Fireshot is active.

Pls help. TQ
Posted:  03 Jan 2011 11:46
It should be a toolbar. Possibly View->Toolbars may help you.
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Posted:  03 Jan 2011 11:58
i have every option checked in Toolbar.
And there is no Fireshot
Posted:  10 Jan 2011 11:45
noone else can help me? sad
Posted:  23 Mar 2014 20:02
How about using IE 11 with Windows 8. This should be able to fix the issue for you FMP.
Pages: 1

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