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Notion Table Sum Column not captured

Pages: 1
Posted:  25 Sep 2023 18:20
Plugin version 1.12.18
OS type and version MacOS 14 Sonoma, was also occurring on 13.5
Version of browser: Arc Version 1.9.2 (4184blink (Chromium), Firefox 117.0.1 (64-bit)
Steps to reproduce the bug
    1. Open Arc, Chrome or Firefox.
    2. Have Pro license installed.
    3. Attempt full screen capture to PDF.
    4. No “Sum” (last row of Notion table view) captured to PDF.
    - NOTE: If NOT on Fireshot Pro, then it DOES capture the sum row. However, the Pro version doesn’t allow for active weblinks in PDF. Both functionalities required for my workflow.
Webpage URL: Any notion table view that sums. Workspace page private, but made this page to show example for your review: https://www.notion.so/Example-Notion-Page-8101e4e6a2544ac2bd055f678d9b3ce9?pvs=21
Pages: 1



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