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File name length limit does not work

Pages: 1
Posted:  23 Sep 2023 21:35
Plugin version: FireShot Pro for Firefox v.1.12.18 (64-bit)
OS type and version: Windows 10 Pro
Version of browser: Firefox 117.0.1 (64-bi)
Webpage URL causing this problem: any website

As in the title, the file name length limit does not work. When the url is really long (e.g. with the search results,) no matter what is entered in the option Capturing settings' limit file, the FireShot
grabs the whole address without limiting.

The option "Specify template" works fine (using the default for testing,) padding, and %n work fine, too, meaning the file name is accordingly created when are unchecked.

As an example (TireRack serching,) with the limit set to 55 symbols (35, 75, 100, or any number) and the default template (FireShot Pro Screen Capture #%n - '%t' - %u), FireShot produces filename as

FireShot Pro Screen Capture #402 - 'Tire Search Results' - www.tirerack.com_tires_TireSearchResults.jsp_tireIndex=0&autoMake=Honda&autoYear=2008&autoModel=Accord+Sedan&autoModClar=EX-L+4cyl&width=225_&ratio=50&diameter=17&sortCode=4.pdf

With the option "Add webpage URL as Text object", or the option "Add webpage title as Text object" unchecked, or both these options unchecked, the file name is the same.

So far, uninstalled the plugin, installed back - no changes. Then read a suggestion to delete the firefox.ini file in AppData\Roaming\FireShot\settings\
After deleting it the FireShot recreated the ini file, but still the output file names are not truncated.

Any thoughts are welcome.
Thank you!
Pages: 1



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