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Not saving to desired output folder & not naming according to the filename template. Help!

Pages: 1
Posted:  09 Aug 2020 16:18   Last Edited By: ffmaer
I enjoyed using FireShot for a few years. However, at some point during the past few weeks, my Chrome FireShot stops saving new screenshots to the desired output folder. And it stops saving according to the filename template. Instead, it just saves all screenshots in the "Downloads" folder with names like 843c4c93-4da2-47e0-a561-c8020db700cf.png.

I hope that I can find a way to resume the old FireShot saving behaviors.

Posted:  09 Aug 2020 16:40
Hi everyone, I solved my own problem by installing the pro version of FireShot. Thanks
Posted:  10 Aug 2020 16:44   Last Edited By: JK
Thank you for choosing to FireShot Pro. I apologize for the glitch with the Lite version - seems like an ordinary case, caused by Chrome browser.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
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