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Not all chrome screenshots captured correctly

Pages: 1
Posted:  07 Sep 2016 07:25
I'm sorry, I did report this in another thread but I can't find it now but, I am still having problems with FireShot since the recent updates.

Basically: I click to capture a 'selection and save' and the screen darkens, but when I drag to select the area it stays dark. I take the capture and the image is saved, but it is dark and I need to then lighten it in some other programme. I return to the screen and the FireShot + is still there and the screen is still dark (it's not returned to its usual state) and I have to click again to clear the + and return the screen to normal.

However, this does not happen on every page - I tried it on this forum page and it was fine. I tried it on other pages and it was not fine.

I thought this might be a problem with the free versions so I have just bought the Pro version and still I have the same problem on some pages.

Any ideas?

Firefox 48.0.2
FireShot 0.98.89
Windows 10 64 bit
Pages: 1



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