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Microsoft edge - advanced features install fails, no prompt for license

Pages: 1
Posted:  30 Oct 2023 04:49
Hi -

Running Microsoft Edge on new laptop and want to install advanced features with license. When I select Try advanced features..., it downloads fireshot-chrome-plugin.exe. But when I run the exe, nothing seems to happen. I have cleared the cache and restarted Edge and tried the install multiple times. There is no prompt to enter a license. The Fireshot menu does not change, still says Try advanced features....

The native-fireshot file says, for example:

29-10-23 22:45:30.266  Started
29-10-23 22:45:30.267  With command line: C:\Users\<...>\Downloads\fireshot-chrome-plugin (6).exe
29-10-23 22:45:30.267  Target engine is: Chromium
29-10-23 22:45:30.270  Using folder for deployment: C:\Users\<...>\AppData\Roaming\FireShot\1.12.18
29-10-23 22:45:30.270  Created directory with result: 1
29-10-23 22:45:30.271  Copying myself...
29-10-23 22:45:30.271  Target Native host already exists, nothing to copy.
29-10-23 22:45:30.271  Extracting manifest...
29-10-23 22:45:30.272  Written 642 bytes
29-10-23 22:45:30.272  Done
29-10-23 22:45:30.272  Writing registry...
29-10-23 22:45:30.272  Successfully registered to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
29-10-23 22:45:30.273  Successfully registered to HKEY_CURRENT_USER
29-10-23 22:45:30.273  Exit
Pages: 1



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