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IE7.0.5730.11 bug: displaying Fireshot toolbar prevents IE from shutting down

Pages: 1
Posted:  25 Nov 2009 00:16
IE7/XPSP3/Fireshot .8

1. Start IE7 w/o Fireshot toolbar displayed.
2. Stop IE7 normally.
3. Restart IE7.
4. Set Toolbar option to display Fireshot toolbar.
5. Stop IE7 -- window is blank but IE7 will not shut down. Must do Ctrl/Alt/Del twice to stop app.
6. Restart IE7 and disable Fireshot toolbar, then stop IE7 -- still does not shut down. Must use Ctrl/Alt/Del twice to stop IE7.
7. Restart IE7 w/o Fireshot toolbar active, then shut down IE7. Shutdown works fine.
Pages: 1

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