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Glitches (saving and navigating doucments)

Pages: 1
Posted:  14 Nov 2009 16:39
I have used the PRO version for a month. This addon does a lot, I'm not going to comment on the screenshooting and saving part, it works fine and does well for that part (as do similar addons).

The other part, the part I'm particularly interested in, is this addon's abilities and tools to let you comment on a screenshot with a combination of text bubbles with pointers (arrows) and shapes you can move as you like over the image. This is the reason why I'm interested in this addon and why I'm using it. Although it does well most of the job, sadly, the addon is not polished yet, it has a series of glitches that make it very annoying to use in a professional way. I would gladly pay the price for the registered version (gladly!) if all worked well. First and most annoying problem is the fact that when you start working on a ".png" image (the format used for the screenshots) the application opens a double version of the document in another folder (publish) and it sometimes creates another version and another. In the end you have a bunch of documents and it gets very confusing, especially if you work already on a bunch of different documents. I would like to be able to do just like with any application, that is open a document that I can save and "save as" to my liking, period. Another problem of this addon is that it undertakes the job of a full app but as an add on, this generates problems in some situation as the "application" relies on Firefox to run, I'd have a lot to say but will pass for time sakes. One more problem, the annoying bar on the left that gets filled with so many documents that it gets extremely confusing to worked efficiency.
All that being said, I think the application is great and that with a few corrections inspired on regular apps (such as photoshop) could gain a lot of stability and make its name in the big leagues. I would pay the price (and even more) if the app was standalone or at least glitch free and beheavioring in a more classical way. Oh, another thing, you can save as .PNG if you just save (which is fine) and you can save in .SSP. It is unclear what this does; it does not seem to add functionality but rather limit the options as the document become useless outside Fireshot, another confusing aspect. Lastly, I think there should be a PDF export function and things should be organized in menus and not just a button bas on top. Good luck!
Posted:  16 Nov 2009 15:41
Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it.

How can I get in touch with you for more detailed discussion? Perhaps, you could register at this forum?
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
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