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How to exclude specific parts from the website screenshot?

Pages: 1
Posted:  24 Dec 2020 14:01
how can i cut sections from a page and paste them into a new one?
For examble  if I want to remove photos from a page
Posted:  24 Dec 2020 14:16   Last Edited By: JK

We do not have a direct tool for the described algorithm, but anyway this can be done in FireShot Pro. The trick is:

0. Capture web page to the Editor.
1. Duplicate the source capture as many times as many fragments you are planning to get (Right-click on the thumbnail -> Duplicate Editor)
2. Then crop each editor to the desired fragment.
3. Next, select the desired thumbnails (using the panel with thumbnails in the left area of the Editor) using Ctrl and press Copy (all the selected editors will be concatenated and stored in Clipboard). After that, use the command from the FireShot main menu "Open from clipboard" to import result for a further editing. Looks complex, but works J

Another approach is to perform steps 1 and 2, then select the necessary editors (using the panel with thumbnails in the left area of the Editor), right-click them and select "Save to single PDF".

Hope this helps.
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