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PDF saving (footer) setting change for no reason

Pages: 1
Posted:  18 Dec 2020 18:36
Is there a way to fix (keep) settings?
Problem is that I set the footer text settings for white text, on black bar, using Preview and Setup Style.
It is to capture the following
"Captured %d %B %y, %H:%M:%S
But when I come back the next time to use it, it has changed (w/o my input or warning or notice) to black text on black bar. Sometime gray on black.
So then I take screencaps and they are all unusable and I have to re-do them after I figure out that the footer is unreadable.
FireShot Pro for Chrome v.098.98
Win10 x64 English
Chrome Version 87.0.4280.88 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Doesn't matter what site I am capturing.
Pages: 1



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