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dark mode planned?

Pages: 1
Posted:  13 Dec 2020 14:31   Last Edited By: DavidGretzschel
Haven't really looked into learning how to use FireShot.
Still have to figure out, if it's worth bothering with.

It looks really useful, but I can't have white burning out my retinas at night.
Or have a very useful tool, that can only used comfortably during daytime.
All the other programs I use and Windows 10 itself have an automatic or at least a manual dark mode.
So anything that can't comply with that requirement stands out like a sore thumb.

So is there a way to make those UI elements in the editor dark?
Here's a picture of what I mean.
Or if not, is dark mode planned for the future?
It doesn't have to be fancy or stylish, it just has to be dark.
Don't mind if it looks a bit goofy.

If not, please tell me, so I can use the 30 day money-back guarantee.
[have five days left for that]
Pages: 1



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