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How do I change the sort order of page screenshots when using "Save to single PDF"?

Pages: 1
Posted:  02 Sep 2015 13:14

Is it possible to change the sort order of the FireShot Pro Screen Captures when using "Save to single PDF"?

I was expecting the screen captures to be saved in order of creation: #001 to #007, but it seems to be saving them in reverse order (what appears at the top first) instead: #007 to #001.

I don't want to manually sort the images or need to create a PDF using a different tool, as the main reason for purchasing FireShot Pro was to capture screen shots and save them as a PDF in less steps than we currently use with other screen capturing tools.

Hoping you can help  - and that it's just my lack of experience with FireShot Pro.

Pages: 1



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