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Drag and Drop from Edit window.

Pages: 1
Posted:  18 Aug 2015 11:44
My first post here... First question - how do I search these forums? I can't find a search field anywhere. So apologies if there is already a post on this subject.

My main use of this brilliant application is to grab a part of a screen - edit it and email it. I was so disappointed when I realised it didn't handle Gmail. However - I noticed that in the 0.98.75 release highlights it says I can drag and drop captures directly from the editor.

Unfortunately this just doesn't seem to work for me. I drag from the editor and try to drop it in a Gmail New Message window - but nothing happens. No error - just doesn't appear. When I'm hovering over the Gmail window I get a No Entry sign - if you know what I mean - indicating the items can't be dropped here. The same happens if I try to drop it on the desktop.

Am I doing something wrong? Is there some more guidance somewhere that describes how to use this function and what limitations there might be?

Chrome Version 44.0.2403.155 m
Fireshot Version 0.98.68
Windows 7 Home 64bit.

Pages: 1



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