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Full page screenshot mode is not scanning pages within Sitecore websites

Pages: 1
Posted:  16 Sep 2015 00:43
I apologize for double posting this. I realized tonight that my first post was a reply to someone else's post. I am posting this as it is a separate person's issue, but similar the other Isdaron's post.

Plugin version: Fireshot Pro for Chrome v.0.98.80
OS type and version: Windows 7 Enterprise
Version of browser: Chrome Version 45.0.2454.85 m

Steps to reproduce the bug: I go to any of the webpages we have on a Sitecore 7.2 platform. I select Capture Entire Page and Save as PDF (or any of the options). The PDF only shows what was on the screen or only the lower part of the screen, never the entire page.

Webpage URL causing this problem:
Every page from the following 2 websites - https://www.shire.com & https://www.shiretrials.com

I really need this taken care of ASAP as I use Fireshot almost exclusively to do my job.
Pages: 1



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