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Fireshot window stuck minimized in Firefox

Pages: 1
Posted:  20 Mar 2018 01:17
I've been using Fireshot for many years and it's great, however, a couple of weeks ago it started doing something strange when using it with Firefox.

When I take screenshots I hear the camera sound and the Fireshot editor opens, but it's minimized on the task bar and I can't maximize it to see the screenshot. The Fireshot editor window stays minimized no matter what I do. I also use Fireshot with Chrome and it works perfectly, it's just Firefox.

I have a second monitor attached to my laptop, but even when I disconnect the second monitor the Fireshot editor still remains minimized. I don't have multiple desktops set up, only one. I've tried everything except reinstalling Firefox. Any suggestions?

I'm using:
Windows 10 Home (version 1709)
Firefox 59.0.1 (64-bit)

Regards, Guy
Pages: 1



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