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FireShot extension for IE v.0.83 has problems in Windows 7 64-bit IE 8

Pages: 1
Posted:  15 Jul 2010 10:27
FireShot Pro for IE v.0.83 has problems in Windows 7 64-bit English IE 8

I saw a similar post about Visita 64-bit, so I installed in the standard Program Files folder instead of the Program Files(x86) folder. Note to others...if you install in the Program Files (x86) folder on a 64-bit machine, the FireShot button won't appear in the browser. If you did that, then uninstall and re-install in the Program Files folder.

1. When trying to capture the full page (such as https://screenshot-program.com/fireshot/), I get the right scrollbar and the bottom status bar included in the screenshot and that gets repeated 3 times to produce the full page.

2. When I try to save a capture, I get: "Cannot create file ..."

3. It ignores the location I specify for writing the file and doesn't give me the option to change the file name.

4. After I entered my registration code, it recognized it and it was registered. But after closing it and later re-opening, it said 30-day evaluation and I had to re-enter the code. Hopefully it will stay this time.



p.s. I really like this add-on a lot and use it all the time. Being able to easily and rapidly annotate screenshots in a professional looking manner is just really valuable. It takes forever to try to do the same thing in other software like PhotoShop, etc that aren't specifically meant for that purpose.
Posted:  15 Jul 2010 10:55

2. When I try to save a capture, I get: "Cannot create file ..."

3. It ignores the location I specify for writing the file and doesn't give me the option to change the file name.

4. After I entered my registration code, it recognized it and it was registered. But after closing it and later re-opening, it said 30-day evaluation and I had to re-enter the code. Hopefully it will stay this time.

I don't know why, but FireShot cannot write to your APPDATA folder. This is very strange. Can you please locate the file "fs_ie_settings.ini" and try modifying it without increasing the access level via Windows 7 UAC ?
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  05 Apr 2014 18:03
Are you logged in as an admininstrator? That could possibly the cause of this issue.
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