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How to open saved html screenshots using the Screenshot editor

Pages: 1
Posted:  29 Jun 2010 22:27

I saved the captured screenshots after capturing and editing it. When I open it again, it opens in Windows picture and fax viewer.

How do I open saved screenshots using the Screenshot editor so that I may make further editing on it? Or is it only possible to make one edit at the time of capture?

Posted:  06 Jul 2010 07:13
You can drag and drop this file onto Screenshot Studio editor.
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Posted:  06 Jul 2010 18:05
Hi JK,

How do you open the Screenshot Studio editor? I have the free version. Is that only available for the Pro version?

Posted:  11 Jul 2010 06:43   Last Edited By: tpan
Thers's a small trick to do this.
You may open the editor by click the pencil postion.(Or look below)

After opening the editor,you may select a small piece of the picture to crop,then you can insert the picture you want to edit with fireshot.
Posted:  11 May 2013 19:31
Very nice tpan. I was curious over this and tested it myself just to check and indeed, this is the fix.
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