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FF crashes

Pages: 1
Posted:  12 Dec 2007 00:10
This procedure in FF:

screenshot -> crop marking -> crop -> copy

makes FF crash every time (after the screen has turned
sort of greyish
Posted:  12 Dec 2007 04:43   Last Edited By: JK
Thanks for the info.

Does changing of any action of the chain affect the result?

I mean, what is happening if you perform following actions for example?

1. screenshot -> add annotation -> crop marking -> crop -> copy
2. screenshot -> copy
3. screenshot -> crop marking -> crop -> save to file
4. screenshot -> crop marking -> crop -> export to external editor

Does FF get crashed after you exit the editor? What is happening if you switch off auto-exit after generation of output (in the preferences)?
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Posted:  17 Dec 2007 11:41
Yes, it happens to me too

screenshot > cropmark > crop > copy
Posted:  17 Dec 2007 11:43
Oh, it actually crashed also after
screenshot > copy

too. Probably the problem is with the clipboard
Posted:  17 Dec 2007 11:45
it doesn't crash after this sequence

screenshot -> add annotation -> crop marking -> crop -> copy
Posted:  17 Dec 2007 11:47
nor it crashes in this scenario:

screenshot -> crop marking -> crop -> export to external editor

Don't you guys have any option to trackback the bug? I mean, some sort of error log maybe? I will be happy to assist. mail me at dphrag(at)gmail.com
Posted:  29 Dec 2007 00:21
I've got the same problem as above... Firefox crashes every time I use FireShot. I've re-installed the add-on twice and both times it's worked fine for one or two screenshots, then we're back to crashing the browser again. Has anyone figured out what is the cause of this and what can be done to prevent it?
Posted:  30 Dec 2007 06:20
Ok, I've implemented some test points I'd like to be tested at crashing configurations.

The link is a debug version of the next release and I think it
will help us discovering what's happening with FX.

Following is a short instruction on how to perform testing.

1. Unpack the extension, the archive is password-protected, the
password is "fireshot"

2. Install the unpacked file. To perform it, simple drag and drop it
from explorer window onto Firefox window. If this is not working, try
double-clicking it, then associate it with Firefox. Try
double-clicking again, then follow the instructions.

3. Make sure that debug version has been installed. Open the addons
list and check whether version of the extension is "0.299d" (see the


4. Start testing the extension by performing your usual actions that lead to firefox crash.
Make sure you've managed to hangup/crash the browser several times.

5. Open the folder located at C:\ in your explorer. A new file with name "fireshot_log" should appear.


6. Attach this file to the e-mail message and send me to bugfix(at)screenshot-program.com

Thanks in advance!
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  14 Jan 2008 05:31
Here is the result I got from the debug mode (it crashed as usual):

14/01/2008 11:50:50 AM
using url: https://maybeapornsitewhoknows.com/
Physical memory available : 239 [Mb]
Image extents: 2560 x 1024
* Saving to disk
Posted:  14 Jan 2008 09:26
Thanks a lot.
I think, I'll integrate bugreporting engine in one of the next releases.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
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