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Screen capture chrome extension feature requests

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Posted:  29 Nov 2007 22:41   Last Edited By: wired

I love this extension! It's saving me a lot of time and I can't believe that it's free..

I have a couple of feature requests. Obviously your paying customers come first, and maybe these features are already in Screenshot Studio?

(1) Add an option to add a number without a shape/drawing/pointer/text

Because.. Sometime's it's just easier to have the annotation in text that can be copied, edited easily etc. Having the number separate makes this easy.

Yes you can do this now, but it's a couple of extra clicks to create a text box then add a number and remove the text box.

(2) Add an option to open an existing Fireshot image for further annotation

Because.. sometimes you forget to add something and it's a pain to start over

This can currently be done by dragging an image into the browser window and recapturing but it's a bit tedious.

If adding this feature it may be wise to add a big red warning at the top of the interface so that folks don't get confused into thinking that their previous annotations are now editable (it's just a flattened image).

(3) Alignment guides when repositioning numbers

Because.. it would be nice if they lined up

(4) Lock floating options palette to top/right/left/bottom

Because.. sometimes it seems to get in the way.

Many thanks,

Dan Smith
Posted:  30 Nov 2007 12:16
Thank you. It's free, but it takes me too much time to handle it so I'm thinking about new solutions that could help me maintaining site, support and further development. If you don't beleive it's free, that's ok, just donate wink

1. OK. By now you can create one number, then use CTRL+drag
2. Screenshot Studio can be useful there.
3. Not sure it's worth implementing because of other tasks in pipeline.
4. Already implemented. Will be available in next release.
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Posted:  30 Nov 2007 21:21
How 'bout this:

In Fireshot, allow a "Take Screenshot" option for the context menu that is a user-defined rectangular selection (in addition to visible area and entire page).

Also, the "Open in External Editor" function defaults to Paint, even though I have Screenshot Studio installed.  Need to allow the default program to be customized.

Thanks for a great extension and program.
Posted:  02 Dec 2007 15:22
Also, the "Open in External Editor" function defaults to Paint, even though I have Screenshot Studio installed.  Need to allow the default program to be customized.

Please update to 0.22 version and use options to set default editor.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
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Posted:  03 Dec 2007 16:43

Thanks for that info.  I have 0.22 installed but it does not show any 'options' on the context menu, the tools menu or in the add-on menu.  How do I access Fireshot's options? 


Posted:  03 Dec 2007 17:51   Last Edited By: JK
there're two ways to do this:

1. Click "S" icon so that context menu popups, choose "Preferences", go to "Editor" tab and press "Press to open editor settings".

2. Open Fireshot editor "Capture ... and edit", then press "Options" button located at the right side of tool bar.

You'll see the dialog, at the bottom side of which you may setup external editor.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  04 Dec 2007 23:37
Hi JK,

Thanks for you reply:

1 - cool! smile
2 - Yep I read another post which covered that. Makes sense and this is a good advertising ploy for your other software smile
3 - no worries
4 - cool, looking forward to it!

Posted:  23 Jan 2008 19:29
I like Fireshot, so much so I am thinking about getting Screenshot Studio.  I already use PaintShop Pro #8, and though it does everything I (currently) want, I've been told that Corel is eviscerating the product because they bought it to eliminate it as competition w/their products (which do less but cost 3x the price...blink) so I am looking for a replacement to move to in the future, as I out grow PSP8x.

Anyway, in Fireshot, I had an unusual situation occur, and because of it I wanted to "restore to factory defaults".  How hard would it be to include that in a future release?

If specificity would help, what I really want to restore is the save: default filename. The filename I've set up isn't acting as I thought it would and I don't have the original to use as a template.

Thank You again for a great product!

- musculus
Posted:  23 Jan 2008 19:36   Last Edited By: JK
Hi, glad to hear that, so we're waiting for a new customer of Screenshot Studio smile
To restore defaults you should delete (or rename) the following trend in your windows registry:  "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Screenshot Studio for Firefox", then restart Firefox.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
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