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double input in Chinese

Pages: 1
Posted:  04 Sep 2008 10:00
FireShot 0.59
MS Windows Vista Ultimate,Chinese

capture any screen,do a shape/point/text,input one Chinese word,double words appeard in text box.I've tried other Chinese input method,seems FireShot doesn't work fine with most Chinese input method
Posted:  04 Sep 2008 18:03
Sorry, currently no ideas how to fix it huh
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Posted:  08 Jan 2011 13:07
Are you able to reproduce the issue? Because if you are unable to, maybe we can help.

If you know how to reproduce that but not sure of how to fix it, we probably can't.

Based on what your response is, we can see what category it falls in and how we can be of help to you.
Posted:  14 Jun 2011 09:09
FireShot 0.90
MS Windows 7 Home Premium, Chinese
Firefox 4.0.1

In the FireShot editor, Choose Text, All English words are working fine. But if switch to Chinese Imput method, I will only recognize and response the first key. (To input Chinese words need 2 or more keys and maybe needs to choose in a small selection window) And never waits the second spelling key.
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