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Translate to other language

Pages: 1
Posted:  02 Sep 2008 14:04
I want translate plugin FireShot to polish language. Can I do this? Is this possible to include language pack inside plugin?
Posted:  02 Sep 2008 16:23
Hello, thanks for promotion.
Currently only Firefox's frontend can be localized easily. Localizing of GUI is not a trivial task for now unfortunately. unsure
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
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Posted:  02 Sep 2008 18:29
Ok, I understand. But I found in extension folder this plugin folder with fireshot.jar. Inside fireshot.jar I found in fsoverlay.xul this lines eg.:

<menu id="fireshot-Capture-Visible" label="FireShot - Take Screenshot (visible area) and ..." insertbefore="context-sep-properties">
                <menuitem label="Edit..."
                    tooltiptext="Take Screenshot of visible Area and Edit"

So here is english text of this plugin?
Posted:  05 Apr 2014 18:04
Hi Groos, I was just wondering about this. Were you able to make the changes already?
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