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Control through JavaScript

Pages: 1
Posted:  14 Mar 2008 18:36
Don't know if this is possible, but it would be great if Fireshot could be controlled through JavaScript. One of the things we do a lot of is to produce screen shots automagically using SeleniumRC; but we have to take multiple screen captures for pages that are longer than one screen. It would be great if Selenium could run a javascript function that could run Fireshot's "Take a screenshot of the entire page" and save it to a file or something like that. Of course I don't think that standard Firefox would be able to run the function but it may be possible when Firefox is run in chrome mode.
Posted:  14 Mar 2008 22:07
I think, this is too much for a free extension.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
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