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SSS.DLL on Vista - Firefox 3 Beta 4

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Posted:  14 Mar 2008 18:02
Can't load or find SSS.DLL error when clicking on the toolbar button.

Running Vista Business on Firefox 3 Beta 4.
Posted:  14 Mar 2008 18:02
"Failed to load SSS.DLL" is the exact error.
Posted:  14 Mar 2008 22:26
Try running Firefox with administrator's privileges.
Does it help?
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Posted:  17 Mar 2008 13:36
Running Firefox with administrator's privileges doesn't help for me.

FireShot 0.36 on Firefox 3 Beta 4, Vista Ultimate.
Posted:  18 Mar 2008 21:49
Just checked in Vista and FX 3b4. Works fine for me.
Can you locate SSS.dll and check whether it could be read by FX ?
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Posted:  25 Mar 2008 06:46
I got this problem on Vista too.

I used Firefox 3.0b4 with add-on only FireShot & FireBug & AdblockPlus

do you know where is SSS.dll?  I search in whole machine and I can't find it.

I already run Firefox as Admin.

Thank you
Posted:  25 Mar 2008 09:57
Looks like a bug of 3b4 release.
Hope the developers will fix it.
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Posted:  30 Mar 2008 12:55
I get the same error.
any workaround?
Posted:  30 Mar 2008 16:04
Can you locate SSS.dll and check whether it could be read by FX ?
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Posted:  30 Mar 2008 16:21
I could not locate SSS.dll on my computer.
what about giving me link to the dll and I'll put it on the suitable directory?
Posted:  31 Mar 2008 03:30
You can get it in the following way:

download fireshot xpi file, rename it to fireshot.zip and then open it. The DLL is located at: fireshot.zip\platform\WINNT_x86-msvc\components\SSS.dll
You'll see there another DLL, possibly it's missed too, by the way, let me know whether it exists or not.
Locate the following directory and enter it: {0b457cAA-602d-484a-8fe7-c1d894a011ba}
(for Vista users it's much likely it is located at Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\...)

copy DLL's to: {0b457cAA-602d-484a-8fe7-c1d894a011ba}\platform\WINNT_x86-msvc\components\"
Restart FX.
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Posted:  01 Apr 2008 23:04
Both DLLs are there but it still fails to load.
Posted:  02 Apr 2008 03:18   Last Edited By: JK
In case if it is firefox 3beta 4. Let's wait for 3b5 and look for changes.
It's too hard to debug a beta under another one unsure
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Posted:  05 Apr 2008 19:25
Same problem on FF3b5
Posted:  05 Apr 2008 19:37
Hm... I'm wondering how could you install it on FF3b5, because manifest.rdf allows installing only prior to 3b4...
But still... I've checked the 3b5 (altering the manifest) console and found the message saying that FX could not load XPCOM component SSS.dll. But Fireshot works still. Could it be your case ?
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Posted:  05 Apr 2008 23:27
Using Nightly Testers Tools I could make it compatible with FF3b5
In my case, fireshot doesn't work
Posted:  07 Apr 2008 13:56   Last Edited By: JK

could you please duplicate your bug's description to bugfix@screenshot-program.com so that I could reply you with debug version?

your help is much appreciated.
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Posted:  29 Apr 2008 19:31
0.45 won't work on FF 3 B5 ("Failed to load SSS.dll"), but it does work with FF

I'm running Vista x64.

I used Process Monitor to get an idea what's wrong and the error message it displays is

RarExtLoader.exe    8360    QueryOpen    C:\Users\cm\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\301qxait.default\extensions\{0b457cAA-602d-484a-8fe7-c1d894a011ba}\platform\WINNT_x86-msvc\components\SSS.dll    FAST IO DISALLOWED   

Maybe this helps?
Posted:  29 Apr 2008 19:49   Last Edited By: JK
Thanks, just few clarifications: can you locate this file? Can you open it for reading? Is your Vista 64-bit?
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Posted:  29 Apr 2008 19:53
Three times "yes" smile
Posted:  29 Apr 2008 20:06   Last Edited By: JK
So, I'm going to find a 64bit version of Vista and reproduce this issue.
Just in case, can you give me your email so that we could perform some additional testing using debug version of FireShot ?

I suspect, UAC service can be the reason of this issue. Can you switch it off and try Fireshot?
Click Start/Control panel/User Accounts/ then click "Turn User Account Conrol off or on" untick box. Then restart as requested and try your application

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Posted:  29 Apr 2008 20:34   Last Edited By: eraserhead
Hi JK,

I registered so I guess you can see my E-Mail now. As I said: Fireshot works with FF on the same computer, so I don't think UAC has anything to do with it, but I will try.

BTW running FF as administrator doesn't change a thing.

Another thing: the toolbar button isn't displayed on Vista x64 - neither on FF 2 nor FF 3. I just made a quick test run under XP and there it's visible in both versions.
Posted:  29 Apr 2008 20:44
Good, still switching off UAC and running as Administrator are different things.
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Posted:  29 Apr 2008 21:01
OK, I now have UAC disabled but nothing changed. (BTW did you notice what I added about the missing button above).
I suspect it has to do both with Vista (missing buttons) and with code changes in FF 3 (error message). There was a similar problem with the HTMLValidator extension and some developer from Mozilla's bugzilla forum took a look at the extension's source and pointed out some stuff that isn't allowed in FF 3 anymore. It's all beyond me, but in case we can't sort it out, maybe you can post a bug report there.
Posted:  30 Apr 2008 05:10   Last Edited By: JK
Found the issue regarding loading of SSS.dll

Can you please post a link to the forum discussing  HTMLValidator's sourcecode as you mentionet above?
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Posted:  30 Apr 2008 09:18
Hope it helps:

Posted:  30 Apr 2008 09:59
Thanks, unfortunately, there's nothing connected to toolbar button disappearing. Possibly I should post my own bugreport there.
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Posted:  01 May 2008 12:15

I couldn't recreate the situation when toolbar button isn't displayed on vista x64 (using FF 3pre) sad. Is addon working in this situation (are context items visible)? Possibly any relevant errors in console available?
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Posted:  01 May 2008 22:40
ups, sorry - my bad. looks like I deactivated the button a long time ago in FF 2 and since preferences are copied (or the same?) when you install FF 3 I thought it just wasn't there... So the button works - sorry for being stupid!
And you fixed the sss.dll issue? great! Can't wait for the new version!
Posted:  04 May 2008 18:38
Thanks! 0.46 works great on Vista x64.
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