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Capture Section - ctrl click not working on M365 Admin pages in some contexts

Pages: 1
Posted:  22 Oct 2024 18:28
Upgraded specifically for this feature and it's just not working on M365 Admin portal page elements.  Specifically with their scrolling right-side info sections. 

Plugin version: FireShot
OS type and version: MacOS Sequoia 15.0.1
Version of browser: Microsoft Edge for Business Version 130.0.2849.46 (Official build) (arm64)
Steps to reproduce the bug: open M365 Admin and open their right-side info section with a scrolling section (e.g. search for a user, and click the licenses and apps tab), click "Capture Section", hold ctrl and click section - nothing happens - the page remains dimmed and no sections are highlighted on mouseover, clicking does nothing - the only thing available is click & drag with crosshairs (without holding ctrl)
Webpage URL: M365 Admin page

It does work on other pages, and even in other contexts in the M365 Admin.  Is there anything I can do?
Pages: 1



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