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Chrome: FireShot asking for additional privileges, cannot accept

Pages: 1
Posted:  22 Oct 2024 15:26
Fireshot (, Mac with Apple Silicon) on Chrome (currently on 129.0.6668.101 but also didn't work on previous versions) does ask me on certain pages when trying to capture a complete page to grant additional privileges with a popup.

Aktion erforderlich
Um eine bessere Aufnahmeerfahrung zu ermöglichen, benötigt FireShot zusätzliche Berechtigungen.
Es ist in Ordnung, diese Anforderung zu ignorieren, um diese Seite standardmäßig zu erfassen, aber einige Seitenelemente werden möglicherweise nicht korrekt erfasst.
Mehr Informationen warum FireShot um zusätzliche Berechtigungen bittet und wie sich dies auf Ihr Erlebnis auswirkt."

Translated into english:
Action Required
To enable a better capture experience, FireShot requires additional permissions.
It's okay to ignore this request to capture this page by default, but some elements of the page may not be captured correctly.
More information on why FireShot is asking for additional permissions and how this affects your experience.

The "Accept" and "Cancel" buttons do not work (nothing happens) therefore I do not know what additional rights need to be granted nor can I accept it.
Capturing the visible area does work.
Pages: 1



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