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Can't take full page screenshot of Adobe Flash Player in webpage

Pages: 1
Posted:  13 Oct 2008 17:34
FireShot 0.60
Windows Vista Home Premium Sp1 32-bit
Firefox 3.0.3

When I try to take a screenshot of a webpage that includes Adobe Flash Player, it doesn' work. For example this page: www.onvista.de . I only see the page on the left side and the background of the Flash content. Sorry for my less than perfect English...
Posted:  14 Oct 2008 04:12
Does this happen only with this page?
Though I have got a Flash plugin installed at my PC, this page is not rendered with it even. Can it be a problem with it?

P.S. If it is strongly required to take captures with flash, try capturing from Internet Explorer (do not forget to integrate FireShot with it first)
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  14 Oct 2008 15:54
Yes, you can take a screenshot with IE, but I would like to use Firefox and not switch to IE for any screenshot. Most pages work, but there are some exceptions. Thanks a lot anyway!
Pages: 1

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