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Can't capture scrolling screenshot

Pages: 1
Posted:  01 Jul 2019 20:57
Plugin version - Chrome v0.98.96
OS type and version - MS Windows 10 Pro, English, v10.0.18362
Version of browser Chrome v75.0.3770.100 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Steps to reproduce the bug: Capture scrolling content on any website.
Webpage URL causing this problem: Any URL. Most recently on Zendesk.com.

Browser Console Log:
frm9.htm:45 [Intervention] Images loaded lazily and replaced with placeholders. Load events are deferred. See https://crbug.com/846170
onloadwff.js:71 Assertion failed: Input argument is not an HTMLInputElement
getFormProfile @ onloadwff.js:71
onloadwff.js:71 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'type' of undefined
    at e.setFieldValue (onloadwff.js:71)
    at HTMLFormElement.formKeydownListener (onloadwff.js:71)


I've never been able to get the 'copy scrollable content' feature to work. I do as instructed: 1) Click "Capture selection/element and..."; 2) Hold control while clicking on the scrollable content area. When I do this, it doesn't capture anything and the window freezes up. I then have to close the window and reload to get it to work. Please help me resolve this issue.

Thank you,

Pages: 1



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