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Invalid License Key Error After Upgrade to the New Version

Pages: 1
Posted:  30 Jun 2019 05:40   Last Edited By: LadyOpaque
Latest plug-in version updated today
OS is Windows 10 Professional
Google Chrome Version 75.0.3770.100 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Start Upgrade from brand new update about 2 weeks ago, then after getting the latest version and entering my License Key, the program crashes with an error saying it's an invalid License Key, but it's not as it is registered to me under my name and worked great until that last major update.  I do not remember the web page I was on when it happened, as it was so unexpected. 
Please provide me with some insight and assistance with this issue, I miss my Fireshot Pro.
Just let me know if further details are needed, thank you.

Pages: 1



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