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Buggy capture when capture a web page selection

Pages: 1
Posted:  25 Jun 2023 18:52   Last Edited By: giaonline
I'm using the free version of FireShot.
If I use "capture all page" I have no problem. But if i use "capture selection" the page is captured not correctly.
I'm using FireShot version 1.11.25
OS: Windows 10 home
Version of browser: Google Chrome Version 114.0.5735.134
The website is the page of my home banking.

Thanks for help.

Posted:  25 Jun 2023 18:55
I covered the sensitive data, but the problem is seen in the horizontal crop of the screenshot
Posted:  26 Jun 2023 17:08
Hello, thank you for reporting. I can confirm the problem when an entire page can be captured nicely, while capturing a part of this page is buggy. This is caused by floating elements that are handled differently in "entire" and "selection" modes.
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