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Chrome account syncing to another device - license and browser question

Pages: 1
Posted:  22 Jun 2023 18:46
When you login to Chrome, I know there's an option to have your account sync all extensions to whichever PC you log in to.  When this happens, are we allowed to use the same license for Chrome on both PC's since I'm logging in to the same account?

At the moment, I only activated the license on the device I need it for but was curious because I turned on my secondary machine and it automatically installed Fireshot extension but not activated.

Also, when I installed and activated Fireshot Pro, it asked me what browser I was using.  I chose Chrome.  Does that mean I can't later use this license for Firefox if I switch?  I read a few posts in this forum about different licenses for different browsers but they were quite old posts.
Pages: 1



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