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FireShot - Full webpage screenshot tool support forum / FireShot Browser Extension / Enhancement and Feature Requests

Blur sensitive data

Pages: 1
Posted:  17 Nov 2010 15:36

first, FireShot is a great tool, thanks a lot to the developers.

I want to suggest a feature: It would be great to be able to blur or pixel certain sections of the screenshot. Sometimes the page you shoot contains sensitive or other data you don't want the receiver to see or to pay attention at. If you could either select a part and apply the blur or have a kind of blur paint-brush you could apply it to these sections before sharing the screen shot.

Posted:  17 Nov 2010 15:40
Hello, such option exists.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  29 Nov 2010 17:16
Yes. Suggestion, though: blur is sometimes not enough, and needs to be done few times. So, it would be great if blurring didn't unselected the area, so we could click "Blur" several times in a row, without selecting the area again and again ;-)
Posted:  14 Apr 2013 16:26
+1 on this. Possibly also add a hot key so we can just edit it effectively.
Posted:  06 May 2022 08:34
+1 on this.
Posted:  06 May 2022 10:28
+1 on this.

1. The selection does not disappear after applying the blur effect
2. The shortcut to this operation is Ctrl + B
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  06 May 2022 10:47
Got it. Thank you.

So, I do a selection and then I found the option on the right sidebar tools.
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