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FireShot - Full webpage screenshot tool support forum / FireShot Browser Extension / Enhancement and Feature Requests

Adding an "ABOUT" selection in the drop down menu.

Pages: 1
Posted:  31 Oct 2013 19:41
Please add an "About" selection in the drop down menu of the browser tool-bar Icon.
There is nothing more upsetting than loosing "Screenshot-Pro" because of incompatibly with a newly released version of Firefox or any other. Nowhere can I find (easily) which version of a browser the current version of "ScreenShot-Pro" supports!! Once the browser is updated to an unsupported version, there is no way to go back to the supported version. (Easily). The only option is to delay the browser update until "ScreenShot-Pro" updates the App.
The "About" selection should include all the pertinent information about the current version including which browser versions the current ScreenShot-pro App. supports... Please start thinking about your customers! Yes, it's a pain staying ahead of the myriad browser updates coming out almost weekly! Delaying the browser update based on current/accurate compatibility info is a decision I make. Please support us!!

If "ScreenShot-Pro" wasn't such a VITAL App., It wouldn't make any difference.
Posted:  09 Nov 2013 20:11
Please add an "About" selection in the drop down menu of the browser tool-bar Icon.

Count me in on that please. +1.
Pages: 1

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