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Why buy both FireShotPro and ScreenShot?

Pages: 1
Posted:  30 Oct 2008 19:37
Disclaimer: Not registered, using 30 trial of FireShotPro

I'm trying to decide if I need both of these apps. I've read what I could on the forums but did not find my answer. Many of the posts are far from recent and the replies imply changes that many already be available.

I'm assuming that most of the features are common except for the following:

                                            FireShotPro ScreenShot
capture Native windows                 no         yes
capture browser page (full)           yes        no
capture browser page (visible)      yes        yes
can open files (supported types)   yes        yes
Product changes/updates           sooner     later

Are there another "big" differences?

At the moment, I lean toward buying FireShotPro and using some other tool to do the native window captures since I can load them in FireShotPro anyway.

Any suggestions or clarifications would be appreciated.

Posted:  31 Oct 2008 07:28

yes it looks like you described. The biggest difference between them is that Screenshot Studio can capture native windows/regions/areas.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  31 Mar 2014 16:27
By the way, when we say Native Windows, what does that mean?
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