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Posted:  29 Aug 2009 22:33
how to uninstall this horrible add-on?  the remarks for deleting do not explain how and i have no image or icon.   there is nothing in downloads nor Control Panel. I've never been hit with so many pop ups in my entire 12 years online.
Posted:  30 Aug 2009 06:33
how do I tell what version of FireShot I'm using?

Windows XP Sp3

Firefox 3.5

tons of pop ups which my pop up blocker can't even stop
Posted:  30 Aug 2009 14:39
how to uninstall this horrible add-on?

In Firefox, click on "Tools" at top of screen (or Press ALT-T) this will bring up your tools menu.

Select "Add-ons" from the tools menu.. This will list all the add-ons/plug-ins you have installed into firefox.

Scroll through the list until you find the entry for Fireshot. from here you should be able to see the version number, change fireshot options, uninstall, or even just disable fireshot.

Btw, I use v0.78 and don't get one single popup.  Maybe it's something else you have such as malware? Just a thought, possibly the creator of the add-on could assist you further, I only just start using it myself last week..
Posted:  30 Aug 2009 17:59
In Firefox, click on "Tools" at top of screen (or Press ALT-T)
this will bring up your tools menu.

Select "Add-ons" from the tools menu.. This will list all the   ADVANCED?
add-ons/plug-ins you have installed into firefox.

Scroll through the list until you find the entry for Fireshot.
from here you should be able to see the version number,
change fireshot options, uninstall, or even just disable fireshot.

Btw, I use v0.78 and don't get one single popup.  Maybe it's
something else you have such as malware? Just a thought,
possibly the creator of the add-on could assist you further, I
only just start using it myself last week..

I thank you very much for the time and effort to help me out with this but I can't find ""Add-ons" from the tools menu."

There is mention of add-ons in the Advanced tab but no way to make any changes to them there.

As far as Adware, I use SuperAntiSpyware software which has always performed admirably but I will pass this possibility onto those programmers to see if it's not performing as usual.

These pop ups did not occur until after installing FireShot, and it's so upsetting and frustrating.

I hope you'll be able to clarify your instructions.

I just checked to see if your instructions pertained to IE instead of Firefox and found that info for add-ons but was only able to Disable Fireshot there not delete or uninstall it.

I hate these add-ons that don't allow for uninstalling and will check that option out in the future and any that don't I will not add on.

The version I downloaded was 0.77
Posted:  31 Aug 2009 01:48   Last Edited By: WoM
I can't find ""Add-ons" from the tools menu."

That's strange, I see you run Firefox 3.5, I am still running ver 3.0.13, maybe menus different on your version? 

At top of Firefox screen I have this menu showing:-

File  Edit  View  History   Bookmarks  Tools    Help

If I click on Tools (or pre ALT-T) a drop down menu appears.

Add-ons is the 3rd item from the top of this drop down menu...  My drop down menu shows these top 3:-

Web Search

Click Add-ons (or press ALT-A) to list all of the add-ons, themes, etc.  From here you can set options for and uninstall any add-on.

Other than that, I cannot explain it any clearer. If you still cannot uninstall, maybe the creator of fireshot could provide removal instruction (I am just another user trialling fireshot myself), unfortunately he is not on the forum for last few days.

One more thing... maybe something has gone wrong with your version of Firefox? just a thought.  Also, did you download the fireshot add-on direct from Mozilla, or did you get it somewhere else?
Posted:  31 Aug 2009 02:13
Some more information

Here is link to the official Mozilla page for uninstalling add-ons:-  How to uninstall add-ons

Here is link to MozillaZine article on removing troublesome add-ons:- Manually Removing Add-ons

Posted:  31 Aug 2009 08:39
Sometimes I get the claims about FireShot opening too many popups each time. The problem is in interference with the other addons.
Unfortunately I cannot reproduce this bug to get a fix. If anybody would like to help me with this, I'd appreciate it very much.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  05 Jan 2014 16:35
I just want to share this guys, if you're using FF, you can just go to Tools - Addons, then you can uninstall the add on from there. It works on any add ons.
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