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Trouble Capturing List of Evernote Notebooks & Tags Lists in Scroll Box

Pages: 1
Posted:  04 Apr 2018 01:34
I just purchased Fireshot today 4/3/2018, so I should have the current version. I'm running it on an HP Envy Laptop running Windows 8.1 as my OS. Using IE version 11.0.9600.18953 and Chrome version Version 65.0.3325.181
I was using https://evernote.com/

I bought this product for one reason. I want to print a list of my Evernote notebooks and tags from a scroll box for a project. I've tried several times using both IE and Chrome browsers. Fireshot tries to capture my entire list of 13,000+ notes instead of just capturing the list of notebooks and/or tags in the scroll box. I have to close out of the browser in order to stop the capture.

I am using the Capture Selection/element and Copy to Clipboard option.

I tried to get you a log using Ctrl+Shift+J but I got an error message.
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT

How do I get around this so I can get my Evernote Notebook/Tags Lists?
Pages: 1



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