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Switch off resize does not work

Pages: 1
Posted:  03 Apr 2018 16:47
FireShot resizes the snapshot, even I set ''do not resize'' in Miscellaneous / Options / Capturing. Screen width is 1600 - capture is 1280 pixels.
OS is Windows 10 pro version 1709
FireShot Pro for Firefox v.0.98.94
Firefox 59.0.2  64bit

I guess I remember that in former 32bit version it worked.
How can I upload a screen shot of the web browser plus Fireshot image ?

Thank you in advance.

Best regards
Posted:  10 Apr 2018 20:02   Last Edited By: JK
Yes, very frequently screen size is different from the actual page with. I suppose, this is your case. When captures are resized, the words become smaller - are you they are getting smaller?

How can I upload a screen shot of the web browser plus Fireshot image ?

Sorry, I do not understand the question.
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