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[tip] problem with setting only number style

Pages: 1
Posted:  12 May 2008 18:40
I created style named "onlynumber", that's it:
put only number with no line, text or what ever.

I have found that it doesn't work and I thought that
the bug is that you must_drug_something on the screen.
So, I set the style "onlynumber" to "drawing" instead of "shape".

It works:  You draw short line and when you click the "Apply" the line is turned to be number.
Posted:  18 May 2008 15:17
Make sure you've checked the option "styles remember elements visibility" in settings
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Posted:  20 May 2008 20:36
Yes I cheked this options.

And more:  If I set only number to other then draw I don't see the first 'number' ie 1,  But the "paste" option is cklikable and when I paste I get number 2
Posted:  24 Jun 2008 10:47
Moveing to Firefox 3  and it OK now   (:-)
Posted:  24 Jun 2008 11:00
Good. Though I suspect, another issues can occur due to moving to fx 3 sad
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
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