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FireShot - Full webpage screenshot tool support forum / FireShot Browser Extension / Enhancement and Feature Requests

default save as image type

Pages: 1
Posted:  01 May 2008 13:09
Currently, when saving a screenshot as an image, you get the normal dialog box which allows you to specify the filename and a dropdown box to select the image format (png, jpg, gif, etc.).  That dropdown defaults to the first item in the list which is png.

It would be great if I could specify a preferred image type, such as jpg and have that image format selected in that dialog box.  This would be easier than having to change this each time I use Fireshot, or going back and converting from png.
Posted:  02 May 2008 11:20
what version of your extension and the sequence to re-create this bug? I'm trying to save and restore last used image type as intended.
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Posted:  12 Apr 2014 15:57
Hi rtphokie, looks like this  is still unresolved. Can you please share the work around that you made if ever you found any?
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