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Supporting eMusic Remote

Pages: 1
Posted:  07 Feb 2008 20:08
Works nicely with eMusic Remote xullrunner app.  Made a slight update to the getTopWindow function and updated the install.rdf and chrome.manifest, would love to see FireShot officially support Remote.

Here is some more information and thanks:

function getTopWindow()
    var mediator = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"]
    if (mediator)
        var wList = mediator.getZOrderDOMWindowEnumerator("navigator:browser", true);

        if (wList.hasMoreElements()) {
            return wList.getNext().getBrowser().contentWindow;
        } else {
            return top.getBrowser().contentWindow;

        return top.getBrowser().contentWindow;
Posted:  09 Feb 2008 13:59
Hmm, you wrote you made some changes in the latest release (0.35). I've just downloaded it and can't see any changes.. unsure

What should I change in these files to support Remote successfully?
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Posted:  11 Mar 2014 13:59
Hi Mr tech, were you able to successfully support eMusic here?
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