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Reload background image via url

Pages: 1
Posted:  05 Feb 2008 18:49
It would be a very nice feature to support, for every project file, an URL to specify the background image.

This means in detail that we use the two different layers, the background (the screenshot) and the foreground (text and other edit options). I specify an URL for the background, the program retrieves and screenshots the URL and updates the background. Foreground is not touched, but is still open for change.

This feature is important for automatically updated and generated documentation and guides. It would be strong and very helpful.

Add a batch job to do this for all files in a specific folder, do some marketing and earn money wink

(if you already included this feature and I did not find it yet, sorry for taken your time)

Posted:  05 Feb 2008 19:36
Hmm... Could you please give me an example when do you need to change the backgrounds of your screenshots?

Thanks smile
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Posted:  06 Feb 2008 11:05
Take documentation, userguides with screenshots of a web application, etc.

The style (colors / corporate identity) changed and you have to rework a lot of screenshots of your guides.
So you load the background and can still use the foreground drawings with minimal effort. Dokumentation often has a lot of screenshots, let us say we have only 20 then we have, if batch processing is possible, only a few clicks with minimal changes to the forground, instead of hours of time to work on both again.

I believe this would be a powerful feature and sounds not so complicate to implement to me, or rather I hope so wink

Pages: 1

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