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Screenshots are blank when pasted into MS Paint from Fireshot

Pages: 1
Posted:  11 Jul 2008 15:44
Screenshots are blank when pasted into MS Paint/MS Word etc. from Fireshot

Windows XP SP2, English
Fireshot v 0.55
Firefox 3.0

Steps to reproduce:
Click on "S" button to capture visible screen. 
Edit screenshot in Fireshot (add annotations etc.)
Click "Copy" button in Fireshot
Paste into MS Paint

The image pasted into MS Paint is blank.  This also happens if I paste directly in MS Word docs.  Fireshot has been working on this version of Firefox until the recent Fireshot upgrade also installed the Internet Explorer version.  Possibly this is related?

Please help asap - I use Fireshot many times every day and it saves me loads of time!

Pages: 1



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