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Virusmalware in FireShot

Pages: 1
Posted:  08 Jul 2008 08:00   Last Edited By: salmantq
I just installed your new version for IE and my system antivirus avira(free) has caught malware, now when ever i open an IE i get this warning that this is a malware, and very time i have to ignore it in order to use it ? please check your installer ... few dll's are been reported as malware . i have sent those files to avira they are gonna reply me back with there comments .

Plugin version (i.e. FireShot latest on your download section)
OS type and version (i.e. MS Windows XP Professional SP2, English)
Version of Firefox (i.e. IE 7)
Steps to reproduce the bug ALREADY EXPLIANED ABOVE
Posted:  08 Jul 2008 11:03
Ok. Thank you. Please post the comments from avira there.
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Posted:  11 Jul 2008 18:15
Upgraded to Fireshot .55 on Firefox today and accepted the option to add the application to Internet Explorer 7 in Win XP Professional SP2, English. Tested and worked fine on both browsers. 

Spyware Terminator then ran a scan and identified the following: 

Threat Name: ZToolbar
Detected Item: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Explorer Bars\{A6790AA5-C6C7-4BCF-A46D-0FDAC4EA90EB}
Detected Item: HKCR\CLSID\{A6790AA5-C6C7-4BCF-A46D-0FDAC4EA90EB}
Detected Item: HKCR\FireShot.StockBar.1
Detected Item: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Extensions\{A6790AA5-C6C7-4BCF-A46D-0FDAC4EA90EB}

I am tempted to report this as a 'false positive' since I have none of the ztoolbar.dll files listed. It does, however, detect the Fireshot.Stockbar.1.

Any advice would be much welcomed.  Thank you.
Posted:  22 Jul 2008 22:27
Spybot detecting the CLSID {A6790AA5-C6C7-4BCF-A46D-0FDAC4EA90EB} as AzeSearch (ZToolbar) too.

I think there are many security tools, which will recognize the same. Perhaps it's easier to use a different CLSID.
Posted:  23 Jul 2008 03:58   Last Edited By: JK
Ah.. you think, these CLSIDs were somehow banned due to belonging to malware?

Just googled for "A6790AA5-C6C7-4BCF-A46D-0FDAC4EA90EB". Many entries.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
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